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Punakha Dromche Tshechu Festival

Festival start back to 7/8th century, Bhutan’s festival revived by the great saints, a colourful costume represents the god and goddess. It is perfect day to wore the colourful Bhutanese costumes overwhelms beautifulness alike heavenly abode with the festivals

Description of Punakha Dromche. The Punakha Dromche and Tshechu (Festivals) falls in the month of February each year, the festival falls for the year 2021 February 19 – 24, 2021. The Festival is unique for being the only festival with a procession that re-enact the war against Tibetan in the 17th century by the founder of Bhutan Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, Dromche generally includes dances for dedication to Yeshe Gompo (Mahakala) or Palden Lhamo (Mahakali), the two main protective deities of Bhutanese literal calls Drukpas (Drukpas = means people of Druk Land or Bhutanese). Punakha Dromche take place in the first month of the lunar year and ends with ‘Serda’, a magnificent procession which re-enacts an episode of the war against the Tibetan in the 17th century.

The religious dances performed during festival are called “Cham” and there are a large number of them. Dancers wear spectacular costumes made of yellow silk or rich brocade, often decorated with ornaments of carved bone. For certain dances, they wear masks which may represent animals, fearsome deities, skulls or just simple human beings. These dances can be grouped in three categories; (I) Instructive or Didactic Dances, (II) Dances that purify and protect a place from demonic spirits, (III) Dances that proclaim the victory of Buddhism.

DAY 1: ARRIVAL IN PARO drive to Thimphu

The landing is Paro will be one of the breathtakingly and thrilling experiences. You can get to see a precise glimpse of world highest mountain ranges including Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga and Bhutan famous mountains Jomolhari and Jichu Drake. Our representative will welcome and greets you and drive directly to Thimphu.

Visit the National Memorial Chorten (stupa) built in 1974 in memory of the late His Majesty the King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, you will notice all ages of people busy circulating clockwise direction holding a rooster or bead in their left hand and reciting the mantra of Chenrayzig (Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hung) or other mantras.

Visit Buddha Point at Kuensel Phodrang the 169 feet bronze statue of Buddha Dordenma, Vajra Throne Buddha symbolising indestructibility.  From the Buddha point you can see majestically overviews of Thimphu city and during the you can see spectacular and beautiful of city.

DAY 2: TRAVEL TO PUNAKHA (77km, 2 and half hrs drive)

En-route visit Dochula Pass (3100m), stopover and you will be welcoming by the 108 Chortens (stupas) built by Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck for flashed out of Indian militant insurgent hideout in southern Bhutan by His Majesty the 4th Druk Gyalpo King Jigme Singye Wangchuck in 2003. Drive or walk in the Chimi Lhakhang(temple) built in 14th century by Divine Madman Lama Drukpa Kuenley, the temple is considered the fertility shrine, the couple who doesn’t’t have a child get blessing from the temple.


Morning witness the Dromche, afternoon visit the Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten drive upstream of Mo Chhu (river) Punakha Dzong, and the gleaming top of the Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten will soon appear on the opposite bank, a gold-topped beacon guiding you upstream. Seven kilometres northeast of the dzong, the tiered chorten (stupa) stands 30 meters (100-feet) tall, it three stories covered with painted pageant of characters from the chronicles of Vajrayana Buddhism including one protector deity pictured riding a shaggy brown migoi or yeti.

DAY 4: PHOBJIKHA Sightseeing

Drive towards Gangtey via Wangduephodrang. Wangdue Dzong was damaged by fire in 2012 and major restoration works are carried by the government. Entering through intense forest which comprises of oak and rhododendron tress finally arrives to Gangtey (2900m). Evening stroll around Gangtey Village and visit Gangtey Gompa, a seat of great Terton (treasure discoverer) Pemalingpa who has discovered the treasurer from Mebar Tso (Burning Lake) in Bumthang which is an important monastery of ancient Buddhism in the country. The valley is winter home of rear endanger bird black-neck cranes, the cranes stay in the Phobjikha valley for 3 months and every year in the month of February special black-neck cranes festival is held in the valley.

DAY 5: TRONGSA Sightseeing (60km, 2 hrs)

Morning travel to Trongsa, passing the Pelela Pass (3250m), short visit Chendabji Chorten (stupa) and reach to bird eye view of giant Tronga Dzong (fortress), built in 1543 by Drukpa Lama Ngagi Wangchuck, who was the great-grandfather of Zhabdrung Rinpoche Ngawang Namgyal, the unifier of Bhutan. The Trongsa Dzong was the seat of power of the Wangchuck dynasty they become rulers of Bhutan in 1907. Prior to be a King, the crown prince has to be served as Trongsa Penlop.

Visit the great Dzong, present structured was enlarged by Minjur Tempa, Penlop in 1652, in 1853, Jigme Namgyal served as 10th Penlop, who was the father of first King of Bhutan Sir Ugyen Wangchuck. The Dzong was heavily damaged by earthquake in 1897, major renovation was restored by the 1st King Ugyen Wangchuck and the 2nd King Jigme Wangchuck in 1927. In 1715 the Penlop Druk Dendup built the Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara) Lhakhang, in 1765, Penlop Zhidar established monastic community of 50 monks at the Dzong.

DAY 6: Travel to Thimphu (205 km, 57 hrs drive)

Evening walk in the Thimphu town, visits arts crafts shops

DAY 7: Travel to Paro (54km, 1 hr. 20 minutes)

After breakfast, drive to Paro, excursion is Paro visit the Ta Dzong (watchtower) built in 17th century, in 1968 opened as National Museum of Bhutan, watchtower which allows beautiful panoramic view across the Paro valley. The Museum has famous collections of paintings, bronzes, fine arts. Section of stuffs animals, butterflies, handicrafts, jewellery, and textile of Bhutan, there are section of stamps collections. The museum was surviving by earthquake in 1715, 1896 and 2009. Walk downhill to Paro Dzong build in 1644 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. Full name of Paro Dzong is called Rinpung Dzong (means the fortress of the heap of Jewels), the Dzong houses the district Manastis Body and government administrative offices

Afternoon visit the Kyichu Lhakhang (Monastery) built in 7th century by Tibetan Emperor Songtshen Gampo, two Lhakhang fall in Bhutan another is Jampa Lhakhang in Bumthang. Brief history of 108 temples. a giant lady demon lay across the whole areas of Tibet and the Himalayas to preventing the spread of Buddhism. To subdued her, Emperor Songtshen Gampo decided to build 108 temples, which would be placed on all the points of her body. Of these 108 temples, 12 were built in accordance with precise plans and built the temples in the year 638 AD, and it is believed that the temple of Jokhang in Lhasa was built heart of the demon.

DAY 8: HIKE TO TAKTSANG (Tigress Nest/Lair)

Drive for about 20 minutes to the base of Taktsang monastery and then hike up to Taktsang Monastery, also known as ‘Tiger’s Nest’ a saint Guru Rinpoche mediated in the cave in the 8th century. In the view point you will enjoy a spectacular view of the monastery clinging to the side of the cliff. Walked uphill, as per the Buddhist cosmology said that in the 8th century Guru Rinpoche flew on the back of a tigress from eastern Bhutan to this place and meditated in a cave for 4 months. The principal Lhakhang (monastery) of the present monastic complex was built by Gyelsey Tenzin Rabgay in 1692. Taktsang was damaged by fire in 1998 and now fully restored its former glory.

Evening, walked in Paro town and later stone bath


Our Agent representative (Guide) will see off for your onward destination

Travel Season

1 person

2 persons

3 persons & above

Low Season: (Dec, Jan,  Feb, Jun, Jul & Aug)




Thank you & Tashi Delek


9 + 10 =

  • Twin sharing hotel rooms at 3 star hotels.
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner & light refreshments) at 3-star hotels/tourist standard restaurants. 
  • English speaking tour guide service.
  • All transfers and excursions by private vehicles.
  • All entrance fees to museums and monuments.
  • All internal taxes and fees.
  • Mineral drinking water.
    • Airfares.
    • Travel assurance (recommended).
    • 4 star and 5-star accommodations and meals (optional).
    • Other personal expenses like overseas calls, laundry, etc.