+975 17699082/77328422 bhutanpawo@gmail.com

Bhutan Pawo special 5 Nights 6 Days Culture Tour

A uniqueness of its architecture and fortress alike buildings and traditional dresses represent Bhutanese value and cultures, many country losses their identities, Bhutan a Land of Happiness Country will witness the cultural identification and her uniqueness

Day 01: Arrival day
The landing is Paro will be one of the breathtakingly and thrilling experiences. You can get to see a precise glimpse of world highest mountain ranges including Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga and Bhutan famous mountains Jomolhari and Jichu Drake. While landing one can experience the adventurous landings as compared to other countries. Our guide will welcome you.

Travel to Thimphu, Distance 54 km drive about one hour from Paro. In between Paro and Thimphu, short stopover at Chunzom (confluence) the rivers are meet point, Pa chu and Wangchuk (rivers) flowing from Paro side and Thimphu side. Visit the National Memorial Chorten, built in 1974 in memory of 3rd His Majesty the King Jigme Dorji Wanchuk who is famously known as “The Father of Modern Bhutan”.

Day 02: Thimphu sightseeing
Morning visit Changangkha Temple built in 12th century by the great saint Phajodrukgom Zhugpo, all ages of people visits the Lhakhang, specially new child born are taking to get their first blessing from the temple. Visit Kueselphodrang where are giant Buddha Statue (51.5m or 169ft) popular name is Buddha point, the location is ideal to see the Thimphu city

Visit Takin Zoo: the takin is the national animal of Bhutan and has a unique and rare animal to be found in Bhutan. It is believed that The animal (Takin) was created by great divine madman Drukpa Kuenley, who took the head of the goat, attach it to the skeleton of cow, clapped his hands and, to the surprise the skeleton magically grew a body and ran to into the meadow.

Visit Royal Textile Museum Bhutan: The Royal Textile has a very unique and invaluable collection of Bhutanese antique textile which is dedicated to preserve and promote the Bhutanese textile. The royal textile museum has been established by Azhi Sangay Choden Wangchuk (Queen Mother) in 2001. The Textile Museum symbolise most attraction by national and international countries to admire and appreciate the authentic textile of Bhutan.

Visit of Painting School of Traditional Arts and Crafts: a life painting can be seen, where students undertakes a six years course on the 13 traditional arts and crafts of Bhutan. In the evening leisure walk to Thimphu town.

Day 03: Drive to Punakha (77 km, 2 and half hrs)
Travel to Punakha en-route stopover at Dochula pass (3100m) enjoyed the panoramic views   of great Himalayan Mountain Range, Dochula has 108 chortens or stupas knowns as Druk Wangyel built by Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck (queen mother), the Druk Wangyel stupas were built for victory of hideout militant by His Majesty the 4th Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck. Visit Chimi Lhakhang, built in 15th century by famous Drukpa Kuenley, popularly known as Divine Madman, this temple is famous as fertilities shrine, if there are no children receive special fertility blessing.

Visit to Punakha Dzong, old capital of Bhutan until 1955. Punakha fortress was built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1637, amazingly build at the confluence of two rivers Pho-chu (male river) and Mo-chu (female river). The Dzong serves as an administration offices and winter residence of Monastic Mon Body.

Day 04: Paro Sightseeing
Morning drive 131 km 43hrs) from Punakha to Paro vis Thimphu, visit the historical Paro “the great Fortress called Paro Rimpong Dzong, the Fortress built on a heap of jewels, built in 1644 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to protect the Tibetan invasion in 18th century.

Visit Ta Dzong (a watch tower) and now the watch tower is turns a country national museum., the museum has insight of the national heritage and unique cultural. The museum housed a temple with four sects of Tibetan Buddhist religion with lineage different branches of Buddhist religion.

Visit Kyichu Lhakhang (Temple) one of the oldest temple in Bhutan built in 7th century by the Tibetan Emperor Songtsen Gempo. It is considered to be one of the 108 border taming temples he built, you will witness the statue of future Buddha (Jo Jampa) and next to the Jo Temple, a Guru temple was built in 1971 by Her Royal Highness Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck (Royal Grand Mother)

Day 05: Taktsang (tigress nest)
Hike Taktsang (tigress nest), Taktsang is considered one of the most important and UNESCO heritage site, It is the most famous of Bhutan’s monasteries is spectacularly perched on the side of the cliff 900m above the Paro valley. Taktsang is a pilgrimage which Bhutanese try to visit at least once in a lifetime. The Guru Rinpoche mediated in the cave for 4 months, in 8th century Guru Rinpoche, Rinpoche believe to be flew on the back of a tigress from eastern Bhutan in 746AD hence the name of tigress Nest is become famous in Bhutan and world.

Evening you can experience the hot stone bath

Day 06Departure from Paro International Airport.

Our Agent representative will see of to your onward destination

Travel Season

1 person

2 persons

3 persons & above

Low Season: Dec, Jan,  Feb, Jun, Jul & Aug




High Season: Mar, April, May, Sept, Oct & Nov




Thank you & Tashi Delek


11 + 1 =

  • Twin sharing hotel rooms at 3 star hotels.
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner & light refreshments) at 3-star hotels/tourist standard restaurants. 
  • English speaking tour guide service.
  • All transfers and excursions by private vehicles.
  • All entrance fees to museums and monuments.
  • All internal taxes and fees.
  • Mineral drinking water.
    • Airfares.
    • Travel assurance (recommended).
    • 4 star and 5-star accommodations and meals (optional).
    • Other personal expenses like overseas calls, laundry, etc.